After numerous decades working with professional software companies who required sound and unbiased advice Brian Cassidy decided to start Skyline Software Solutions in 2006. The advice requested was mainly in regard to best using existing and new emerging technologies.
It became clear that a market existed for sound advice on how to use information technology (IT) and that a large percentage of the businesses had experienced costly mistakes over the years.
It has always been Brian’s motto to "do what is best for the customer" and over the years this belief has strengthened. This belief was reinforced after being involved in system developments that adhered to the British Standards for software design and KYI schemes (Know Your Customer).
Skyline Software Solutions will continue to strengthen the belief that doing what is best for the customer is doing what is best for us.
Providing Professional Expertise
analysing code performance issues
analysing SQL Server performance issues
lowering costs of running the business (faster software require less hardware)
responding to customer demands for better trained staff
increasing productivity through highly efficient IT solutions
freeing up staff time needed in other areas
clear and accurate training on how software and hardware systems work
Increasing Productivity
training in designing user interfaces that allow end-users to easily achieve what they need
avoiding the common coding pitfalls
reduced developer time
making the best use of available hardware
consistent interface design
Value Centred Design
full cycle development
business aware
performance specialists
a "doing what is best for the customer" centred approach
professional approach
over 25 years of professional experience creating and working with high end systems